Neuroscience Tactics for Better Decision-Making

When it comes to decision-making, most of us struggle to find the right balance between gathering information, trusting intuition, and managing emotional impulses. In today’s fast-paced world, where the average person makes around 70 decisions per day, according to Columbia Business School’s Professor Sheena S. Iyengar, knowing how to make smarter decisions is vital. This… Continue reading Neuroscience Tactics for Better Decision-Making

Title: Protein and Parkinson’s: A Balancing Act

In managing Parkinson’s disease (PD), the role of diet, especially protein intake, is often overlooked. Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining strength, muscle mass, and overall health. However, when it comes to Parkinson’s, the timing and amount of protein consumption play a crucial role in symptom management. This blog post delves into the relationship between… Continue reading Title: Protein and Parkinson’s: A Balancing Act

Title: U.S. Healthcare: An Unaffordable Burden

The U.S. healthcare system has long been criticized for its inefficiencies and high costs. A recent report by the Commonwealth Fund has once again placed the United States at the bottom of a ranking of healthcare systems among the world’s 10 wealthiest nations. This result is not new; the U.S. has held this position for… Continue reading Title: U.S. Healthcare: An Unaffordable Burden

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Parkinson’s Productivity Strategies

Living with Parkinson’s disease brings unique challenges that can impact your daily life, especially when it comes to productivity and managing tasks. Understanding how your brain’s natural rhythms work can help you optimize your activities, conserve energy, and improve your overall well-being. Understanding Brain Rhythms and Parkinson’s Our brains operate in cycles known as the… Continue reading Parkinson’s Productivity Strategies

Title: Travel Constraints and Parkinson’s: Impact on Social Health

Introduction Travel plays a crucial role in our lives, offering access to opportunities, services, and social connections. However, for individuals with Parkinson’s disease, travel can often be constrained due to physical, cognitive, and environmental challenges. These constraints may have a significant impact on social participation and self-rated health, affecting overall quality of life. This blog… Continue reading Title: Travel Constraints and Parkinson’s: Impact on Social Health